Do you ever think about how wonderful it would be to feel calm, relaxed, and stress-free most of the time?

Hi, I’m Lori Carpenos

Psychotherapist, LMFT, Executive Coach, 3 Principles Group Trainer, Author & Speaker

For over 30 years, as a practicing LMFT, coach and mentor, I have witnessed people learn how to access their innate mental health and well-being regardless of their situation or circumstance. You'll be surprised that in just a short period of time you will notice glimpses of more relaxed, calm states of mind, from a simple understanding that is only recently being taught in schools. We did not grow up with this knowledge; I didn’t learn about it until I turned 30! And, like me, as your understanding about the human design grows, you will visit those deeper states of peace and well-being more often and for longer periods of time.

There is no reason for you to not experience greater contentment and effectiveness in life. Whether you experience anxiety, depression, lack motivation, or feel unworthy, there is a fresh, new experience of life waiting for you to enter. It is the natural result of a simple understanding of how Mind, Thought and Consciousness work together to bring you an internal experience of life out there.

Everyone has unlimited free-will and the capacity to steer themselves in a positive, healthy direction. We now have the owners manual to our inner world, showing us how we can use the gift of Thought and Consciousness in healthy and productive ways. Once we SEE how something works we gain efficiency and greater possibility opens up to us. This has proven to be enormously helpful to people, sometimes after even one session! Typically people spend from 3-15 sessions with me, but it has happened in less than 3 sessions, since this understanding is insight based, we never know when someone will get hit with a deep enough insight that where they see and experience who they really are and all the positive capabilities that exist underneath all their old negative self-talk.

If you feel that parts of your life could be better, whether you are single or coupled, then let me show you how to access greater mental well-being, peace of mind, and contentment.

Ways To Work Together

Coaching for Couples

Organization +
Executive Coaching

Coaching for Singles

Coaching for Individuals

The Teachings of Sydney Banks - Membership

Finding Deep Connection - A Course for Singles

Love is a feeling that comes from the energy of all things, from the creation of all life. The feeling already exists within us, it is who we are. Love is a positive feeling

- Sydney Banks

The Secret of Love: Unlock the Mystery and Unleash the Magic

The Secret of Love is a compilation of amazing stories from couples whose relationships improved or completely turned around just by being pointed within, toward their true nature.

These couples began to see how they were contributing to their problems from insights gained as they were learning. They saw how they could work with the force of nature, rather than against it.

There is a level of thinking that will bring you to a higher, wiser, more resilient state of mind, which helps bring people together and feel more connected to each other.

Wisdom Videos

I was incredibly fortunate to be introduced to an understanding of the mind that shows how life really works; it shifted my world in ways I could never imagine - it's so simple, once you see it.

Let’s Journey on the Path to Inner Peace, Together

To set up your first session, email and I will get back to you within 24 hours with next steps.