Coaching for Individuals
Do you ever think about how wonderful it would be to feel calm, relaxed, and nearly stress-free? Would you like to be happy and satisfied, while still being productive and responsible?
It turns out that this is not only possible; it is inevitable, once you gain an understanding of the human operating system.
If you have been experiencing troubled waters in the area of family, work, or relationships and are having no luck resolving them, we provide a proven, result-based approach to guide you to your own personal mental well-being.

Gaining an awareness of how the human mind works will serve you well for the rest of your life and you’ll find that this understanding can be applied to any new problem since it is based on Principles that are at the core of every human experience.
“Recent studies suggest that talk therapy may be as good or better than drugs in the treatment of depression, but fewer than half of depressed patients now get such therapy compared with the vast majority 20 years ago.” - New York Times
Many people who were on medication were surprised that their Doctors began a process of titrating off their medication, as they deepened their understanding of the 3 Principles, because they were seeing the temporary nature of their experience being brought to them by their own thinking.
I would call it listening therapy, rather than talk therapy, however; listening for insights, which we will guide you to. Insight into how we all experience life through our personal thinking leads people back to their innate health and wisdom.
Most people unnecessarily accept mental and emotional distress in their lives as normal. We now realize how the mind works to bring us a particular set of beliefs that we adhere to until we see the misunderstanding that supports them.
This discovery has led to a paradigm shift in psychology, expanding the field’s adherence to a model of health, rather than disease. Within a short period of time, you will be accessing your innate health and wisdom more often and sustaining it for longer periods of time. Individual therapy with a 3 Principles practitioner will assist you with this.
Your thoughts are like the artist’s brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in.
- Sydney Banks

“The three principles have helped me to see that my thinking creates all my experiences of the world, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Things I once perceived as “reality” are only my own thoughts. …it opened me up to looking at situations in more ways than just the thought I’m having at the moment.”
- Steve E, Technical Analyst, Newington, CT.

Learning that we can access our innate health in any moment and that we have the capacity to change our mind, to live in peaceful states of mind more often, and live from our wisdom rather than old, conditioned thinking, shows us that everyone has this capacity and that it can become a way of life rather than a fluke.
Let’s Journey on the Path to Inner Peace, Together.
Simply learning how the mind works to bring about a particular experience in every moment of life has the power to relieve people of depression, anxiety, grief, stress, addictions, difficult relationships, communication difficulties, eating disorders, PTSD, and Trauma.
To set up your first session, email lori@3principlestherapy.com and I will get back to you within 24 hours with next steps.