Coaching For Singles
Throughout history being single after a certain age (in a world seemingly built for couples dating back to Noah's Ark) has meant different things to different people.
We've all heard the terms spinster, old maid, confirmed bachelor - the implication being "not good enough to find a partner". Being alone can even imply that something is wrong or defective about the person.

The truth is that it doesn't matter what other people think, it only matters what you think, because that is what you'll experience.
If you feel embarrassed or ashamed, you will run the risk of connecting with someone out of a perceived need, or a feeling of desperation. Or maybe you pretend to yourself and others that you are quite content with being single, when deep down you really are not.
Over the course of 30+ years of counseling individuals, I have heard many stories. Some have made the conscious choice to remain single because of a negative experience they had in their past, or thoughts that it's all about service to a partner while getting little in return, or thinking they may not deserve a good partner, or that they would have to give up their independence to be a couple.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Perhaps you've tried numerous dating sites, meetups, social events, fix-ups, etc. and no one has met your criteria, which really isn't asking for too much. Or you wonder why you are drawn to the wrong person all the time, or why those you are drawn to are interested in someone else.
I can tell you I have been through all of these thoughts and feelings myself, until I discovered who I really am. Beyond my personality, my physicality, intellect, and even my unique perspective on life.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
- Rumi
I learned that loving myself was far beyond loving my image in a mirror, my accomplishments, or anything else we attach ourselves to, in the physical world.
In fact, it has nothing to do with who we are,
it has to do with what we are made of and the energy that flows through us.
At the risk of sounding esoteric, when people realize their true nature - they usually say something like: oh, of course - I knew that deep down inside and had glimpses of it from time to time but I didn't pay attention, thinking it was just a fluke while paying attention to some negative story I told myself instead. But when we see that it isn't a fluke, it is with us all the time, we experience enormous relief and go on to live peaceful contented lives, perhaps even attracting a wonderful partner in the process of uncovering our own true nature.
What I learned opened a whole new world to me which simultaneously expanded who I am in the world.
In short, this is what everyone is looking for whether they know it or not. I certainly did not know that I had a "true nature" beyond what I, or anyone else thought of me.
I often receive email advertisements directed at single people who are suffering and it saddens me how much time and money people spend on techniques and strategies to find the right mate for themselves. It is not only unnecessary, in many cases, it is harmful because it is unnatural and inauthentic. And everyone can pick that up on a feeling level even if you think you are hiding it in order to play the game you were taught to play.
It’s an entirely different experience to marvel at the innate health and resiliency you were awarded with at birth. That is never lost, only forgotten.

There is nothing needed beyond understanding your true nature; who you really are - your essence.
Everyone has an essential nature before their conditioned thinking emerges. Your essential nature is pure consciousness, unaffected by negative thinking about yourself and the world around you.
Everyone is equipped with the same operating system within them whether single or coupled. In fact, even when you become a couple the most important relationship will always be the one you have with your own thinking.
I assist singles in understanding their true nature. In shifting their perspective on being single, they often attract a wonderful partner in the process, even though that is not the goal.
To set up your first session, email lori@3principlestherapy.com and I will get back to you within 24 hours with next steps.

Finding Deep Connection - An Online Course & Community for Single People
It’s not always easy being single in a world that seems to be made for couples.
This course is designed for you to uncover what’s been in your blindspot, holding you back, through insights you will gain.
There is open enrollment with 57 lessons and 5 fun and informative weekly group gatherings around themes that build on one another each week with time for breakout sessions in dyads to learn and practice "Deep Listening" so that your next date, or encounter, can be more interesting and fun than those in your past.