Lori’s Musings
5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence is Helpful for Relationships
Emotional intelligence is….wisdom…common sense….intuition.. You’ve already experienced the voice of wisdom when you consider others’ feelings, have greater patience with others, give kindness, are sensitive to the other person, pick your battles in a heated interaction, stop blaming others for how you feel, forgive others. When you listen and follow your voice of wisdom….you bring out the best of you…while bringing out the best in others.
I Don’t Know You Well Enough to Lie to You: Part 2
What if there was never a good reason to lie to anyone, ever; beyond the fear of being struck by lightning or growing a nose the length of Pinocchio’s? What if we were not afraid, to tell the truth, because we were not afraid to be vulnerable, knowing that everyone is pure spirit, housed within an imperfect body and brain that makes mistakes?
Judgment Doesn't Feel Good
Why do we spend our precious time judging ourselves and others? It’s a habit of thinking that drifts away when you’ve reached a greater depth.
We Are Not Who We Think We Are; We Are Limitless Potential
Why is it that, with all the rhetoric I've grown up with, i.e. we are all the same, we come from the same source, the color of our blood is the same, etc. etc. why do we still live in a world of bigotry and racism? It defies logic. Racism, bigotry and inequality are not logical.
Mental Well-being; The Key to Everything
We have all been tested over the past months; some physically, others mentally and spiritually, as we attempt to make sense of a pandemic. I notice my thoughts jumping from wondering how we will get through this to hoping for a healthier planet to compassion for those who are experiencing sickness and lost loved ones; back and forth, in no particular order.
What Does Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence have to do with Love?
You (and everyone on the planet) already have all the self-esteem anyone could ever need in life - it's buried underneath insecure thinking. But for the negative personal self-talk we feed ourselves with, we are present in the moment. Underneath our negative self talk lies a totally impersonal Love of Creation that we are privy to, a love that is so deep, it can't be explained, we just know it when we feel it - everyone does! Whether they realize that fact or not.
What is Love?
Looking back through the years, I think every one of my clients have asked this question in different ways. They have wondered if they should love their spouses unconditionally like they love their children. They wondered if they were letting their partners take advantage of them or if they were letting them get away with something they shouldn’t. They wondered what was wrong with their relationship because their partner stopped courting them and things had gotten way too comfortable.