Lori’s Musings
I Don’t Know You Well Enough to Lie to You: Part 2
What if there was never a good reason to lie to anyone, ever; beyond the fear of being struck by lightning or growing a nose the length of Pinocchio’s? What if we were not afraid, to tell the truth, because we were not afraid to be vulnerable, knowing that everyone is pure spirit, housed within an imperfect body and brain that makes mistakes?
I Don't Know You Well Enough To Lie To You
The statement stopped me in my tracks. What an interesting idea, I thought. “I don’t know you well enough to lie to you.” It was spoken recently by a new friend of mine.
It’s true we didn’t know each other well; this was only the 4th get together. We were headed for a picnic on the lawn at Tanglewood, geared up to see Yo-Yo-Ma.
One sentence: “I Don’t Know You Well Enough to Lie to You” blinked internal neon lights at me.
We Are Not Who We Think We Are; We Are Limitless Potential
Why is it that, with all the rhetoric I've grown up with, i.e. we are all the same, we come from the same source, the color of our blood is the same, etc. etc. why do we still live in a world of bigotry and racism? It defies logic. Racism, bigotry and inequality are not logical.